Our entire range of compactors can be adapted to different types of waste : ROCKWOOL, POLYSTYRENE, FIBREGLASS, CLOTHING, BIG BAG

All these machines are available for purchase or rental.

What are Alterval's waste compactors and how do they work?

The principle of a waste compactor is to increase the density of waste by massively reducing its volume up to 10 times its original size.

The rotary compactor

The Valpak® bag or container model is suitable for plastic and wood waste, as well as dry waste such as polystyrene, fiberglass, PET, and Big Bag. It is easy to use, and blockages are managed without any human intervention. The waste is compressed into a 1000L bag or container.

The monobloc compactor.

This system allows for the processing of dry and bulky waste such as packaging, cardboard, and plastic films primarily from supermarkets and large stores. It also enables the treatment of wet waste from DIB (industrial waste) found in hospitals, shopping centers, etc., through a compacting shield with plastic slides. Its usage requires only an electrical power supply.

The baling press

is a machine that compresses different types of waste in order to reduce their size. Once the waste is placed inside, the operator closes the door and presses a button that activates the compression process using a metal plate that pushes the waste. It can compress waste vertically or horizontally depending on the chosen model. The result is compact bales that are easy to sort and transport.

Why use Alterval waste compactors?

Today, recycling plays a fundamental role in the heart of businesses. The waste generated by companies is often difficult and expensive to manage. Waste compactors have become essential in the waste collection and treatment industry. They provide real added value to companies by improving industrial processes and contributing to the development of a circular economy. In addition, the volume of waste is considerably reduced, allowing companies to gain additional clean and healthy workspace for the well-being of employees. The use of waste compactors is becoming increasingly widespread in all types of industries and for the treatment of all types of materials. These compaction machines enhance your waste with simple use and quick return on investment.

What are the main advantages of compaction machines?

Waste management can be the cause of workplace risks, as well as a waste of time and money. Optimizing waste has numerous advantages.

Time and workspace optimization.

The great advantages of compaction machines are their ability to save space and time. Consider the time your employees waste collecting and managing waste. Countless trips are made to free up storage space where waste accumulates. This time could be used to develop other actions that improve company performance and productivity. In addition, optimizing internal logistics results in well-organized workspaces and improves the work environment.

Cost optimization

The installation of Alterval waste compactors can help you make significant savings, especially in terms of waste transport and collection costs. The return on investment of a machine by purchase or rental is guaranteed. A waste compactor can be a good investment for companies and businesses that are looking for alternatives to better manage waste generated by their industrial activity. If you own a business or trade and want to optimize your waste treatment, please contact us.